By Chloe Bonsen
For many students, time here as an SVC student is coming to an end. For many others it is just their beginning. Students will be graduating with many different degrees, certificates and awards. For students that are from Whidbey Island their graduation will be held Thursday, June 14th. For those that are here on the main campus graduation will be Friday, June 15th. Those students that are graduating had to fill out the online graduation application back in April. The commencement ceremony isn’t required but for those that are participating caps, gowns, tassels and diploma covers will be available for purchase at the Cardinal Bookstore starting on May 22nd until June 15th.
Those that finished Winter Quarter of 2018 with a 3.5 to 3.79 will receive a white cord to show that they are graduating with honors. Those that finished with a 3.8 or above will receive a gold cord showing that they are graduating with high honors. The last thing that students need to know is that if one is planning on walking at the Mount Vernon campus tickets
are not required, however, to allow space for everyone they request that everyone limits their guests to five or less.
“Skagit has offered me many opportunities of learning both on education and career wise. I have completed business degree and was part of many clubs, sports, student government, program board and other departments in the campus. I hope to use these skills I have learned from SVC to enhance my future opportunities with my best potential.” Responded Khade Muangkroot when asked how he feels about graduating from SVC. Elizabeth Wilson shortly also responded saying “I’m glad it’s over and it was okay being here.”
For more information about graduation just head on over to https://www.skagit.edu/admissions/graduation/ and it will all be provided there.